Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care ACPAC Program
10-Month Academic and Clinical Training Program
Starts October 6, 2025
ACPAC Program Publications
2020. Lundon K., Inrig T., Paton M., Shupak R., Kennedy C., McGlynn M., Barber C. 2020. Measuring Advanced/Extended Practice Roles in Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Care in Canada. ACR Open Rheumatology. Download PDF Here
2019. Passalent L., Hawke C., Lawson D. O., Omar, A., Alnaqbi, K. A., Wallis, D., Steinhart, H., Silverberg M., Wolman, S., Derzko-Dzulynsky, L., Haroon, N., Inman, R.D. 2019. Advancing Early Identification of Axial Spondyloarthritis: An Interobserver Comparison of Extended Role Practitioners and Rheumatologists. Journal of Rheumatology.
2019. Ahluwalia, V., Larsen, T., Kennedy, C., Inrig, T., Lundon, K. 2019. An advanced clinician practitioner in arthritis care can improve access to rheumatology care in community-based practice. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Volume 12,
2018. Lundon, K., and Shupak, R. 2018. A Successful Standardized Academic Interprofessional Post-licensure Education Program Exists to Train MSK Professionals to Become Advanced Practitioners in Arthritis Care: Lessons Learned from the ACPAC Program. Arthritis Care & Research, Letter to the Editor, In press.
2018. Lundon, K., Shupak, R., and Pullan, A. 2018. Measuring the ACPAC Program Trained Extended Role Practitioner (ERP) Workforce in Canada: A Profile of Practice Settings, Roles and Participation in Models of Arthritis Care in Canada. The Journal of Rheumatology July 2018, 45 (7) 964-1069,
2018. Lundon, K., Ahluwalia, V., and Shupak, R. 2018. Extended-Role Practitioners Improve Access to Care for Ontarians. CRAJ. Volume 28 (1), pp. 13-14.
2018. Bignell, K., Bender, C., Lichtenstein, A., McArthur, B., Musselman, K., Kay, T., and Farrer, C. 2018. Improving access in rheumatology: Evaluating the validity of a paper triage process involving an advanced practice physiotherapist through a retrospective chart review. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice,
2017. Warmington, K., Flewelling, C., Kennedy, C., Shupak, R., Papachristos, A., Jones, C., Linton, D., Beaton, D., and Lineker, S. Telemedicine delivery of patient education in remote Ontario communities: feasibility of an Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC)-led inflammatory arthritis education program. Open Access Rheumatology. Vol. 9, pp. 11-19, DOI:
2017. Kennedy, C., Warmington, K., Flewelling, C., Shupak, R., Papachristos, A., Jones, C., Linton, D., Beaton, D., Lineker, S. and Hogg-Johnson, S. 2017. A Prospective Comparison of Telemedicine Versus In-Person Delivery of an Interprofessional Education Program for Adults with Inflammatory Arthritis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Vol. 23 (2) 197-206. DOI: 10.1177/1357633X16635342
2016. Barber, C., Lundon, K., Shupak, R., and Marshall, R. 2016. So We Stood Up and Got Counted…Now What? CRAJ 26(3): 7-7A.
2016. Farrer, C., Abraham, L., Jerome, D., Hochman, J., Gakhal, N. 2016. Triage of Rheumatology Referral Facilitates Wait Time Benchmarks. The Journal of Rheumatology Nov 2016, 43(11) 2064-2067, DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.151235.
2015. Warmington, K., Kennedy, C., Lundon, K., Soever, L., Brooks, S., Passalent, L., Shupak, R., Schneider, R. 2015. The Patient Perspective: Arthritis care provided by Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) Program trained clinicians. Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews 2015(7):45–53
2015. Lundon, K., Shupak, R., Canzian, S., Ziesmann, E. Schneider, R. 2015. Don’t Let Up: Implementing and Sustaining Change in a New Post-Licensure Education Model for Developing Extended Role Practitioners involved in Arthritis Care. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2015(8):389–395
2014. Gillis, K., Augruso, A., Coe, T., O’Neill, A., Radford, L., Gibson, B.E., O’Callaghan, L., Soever, L. 2014 Physiotherapy Extended-Role Practitioner for Individuals with Hip and Knee Arthritis: Patient Perspectives of a Rural/Urban Partnership. Physiotherapy Canada 66(1);25-32.
2013. Passalent, L., Kennedy, C., Lundon, K., Rozmovits, L., Sinclair, L., Soever, L., Schneider, R., Brooks, S., Warmington, K., Shupak, R. 2013. System integration and clinical utilization of the Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) program-trained extended role practitioners in Ontario: a 2-year system-level evaluation. Healthcare Policy 8(4):56-70.
2013. Lundon, K., Kennedy, C., Rozmovits, L., Sinclair, L., Soever, L., Schneider, R., Brooks, S., Passalent, L., Warmington, K., Shupak, R. 2013. Evaluation of Perceived Collaborative Behaviour Amongst Stakeholders and Clinicians of a Continuing Education Programme in Arthritis Care. Journal of Interprofessional Care 27(5): 401-407.
2011. Kennedy, C., Beaton, D., Warmington, K., Shupak, R., Jones, C. and Hogg-Johnson, S. 2011. Prescription for Education: Development, Evaluation, and Implementation of a Successful Interprofessional Education Program for Adults with Inflammatory Arthritis. The Journal of Rheumatology. Vol. 38 (10): pp. 2247-2257,
2011. Lineker, S., Lundon, K., Shupak, R., Schneider, R., MacKay, C, and Varatharasan, N. 2011. Arthritis Extended-Role Practitioners: Impact on Community Practice (An Exploratory Study). Physiotherapy Canada 63(4):434-442.
2011. Lundon, K., R. Shupak, R. Schneider and J. McIlroy. 2011. Development and Early Evaluation of an Inter-professional Post-licensure Education Programme for Extended Practice Roles in Arthritis Care. Physiotherapy Canada 63(1):94-103.
2011. Warmington, K., L. Passalent, C. Kennedy, K. Lundon, S. Brooks, and R. Shupak. December 2011. “The Early Impact of Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) program-trained Extended Role Practitioners (ERP) on the Ontario Healthcare System: A System Level Evaluation.” A Report for: The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario. Available at:
2010. Shupak, R., Schneider, R., Lundon, K. 2010. Advanced Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) Program: An Update. CRAJ 19(4):16-17.
2009. Lundon, K., Shupak, R., S. Reeves, R. Schneider, J. McIlroy. 2009. The Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) Program as A Model for Transfer of Knowledge and Skills and Attitudes: Moving From an Interprofessional Arthritis Education Program to Interprofessional Arthritis Care. Journal of Interprofessional Care 1-3.
2008. Lundon, K., Shupak, R., Sunstrum-Mann, L., Galet, D., and Schneider, R. 2008. Leading Change in the Transformation of Arthritis Care through Development of an Interprofessional Academic Clinical Education Training Model in an Academic Healthcare Facility. Healthcare Quarterly 11(3):59-65.
2007. Shupak, R., Lundon, K. 2007. St. Michael’s Hospital: The Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care Program. CRAJ 17(4): 16-17.
1Continuing Professional Development Office
500 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1V7
2The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1X8
3Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 2S8
4Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 1X5