Research Fellowship Policy Guidelines

  1. Research Fellowship recipients receive a $6,000 tuition waiver (Fellows will be responsible for the remaining balance of their tuition) contingent upon successful completion of the ACPAC program. Withdrawal or unsuccessful completion of the program may result in a requirement to repay tuition.
  2. Each recipient is be expected to produce a research paper as outlined in this policy.
  3. Funds associated with the Research Fellowship will be released in 2 tranches:
    1. Tranche 1:  upon successful submission and approval of a research proposal;
    2. Tranche 2: upon successful submission of the final research paper.
  4. Timelines and due dates associated with Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 are to be discussed and agreed upon with the Program Director, Dr. Katie Lundon, Program Director, and/or Dr. Rachel Shupak, Program Medical Director.


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