Evaluation of both the ACPAC trainee and the program is rigorous. Both program and candidate evaluation will occur using the following array of assessment tools:
- CANMEDS evaluation at end of program
- Theory/Knowledge: Pre and Post Integrated Key Theory, Case-Based Evaluation.
- Practical Skills Evaluation Post Program OSCE
- Clinical Performance/Competency Appraisals /Clinic logs with record of engagement in defined specialty/subspecialty clinics
- Self Directed Learning:
- 5 clinical case reports: Trainees will be responsible for the identification of 5 content-defined clinical cases for written appraisal by ACPAC Program Medical Directors
- Problem-based Learning: Clinical scenarios/vignettes (n=11)
- Topic of choice (n=6)
- Model of Care Project (Baseline and End of Program)
Evaluation Categories
Outstanding: (>79%)
Above Average: (70-79%): *Each ACPAC trainee must achieve at least 70% and/or “meets expectations” for each evaluation component to pass the program
Average: (60-69%)
Below Average: (50-59%)
Re-submit/ Failure: (<50%)
*Remedial Work is required at the discretion of the Program Director in the event of achievement of less than 70% and/or meets expectations in any component of the course.